“Hidden dividend” in a limited liability company
Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values.
Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values.
Consumer bankruptcy is an increasingly popular way to get rid of debts. The premise of consumer bankruptcy is to write off debts and start life
A non-compete clause in B2B contracts is understood to be an obligation on the part of the associate not to engage in employment or cooperation
The equivalent of a limited liability company is the Spanish Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, abbreviated S.L. As in Poland, it may be established by one
Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According
At its meeting on October 19, 2021, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft amendment to the Law on Foreigners, which is expected to facilitate
Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According
Cichocki Kancelaria Adwokacka
Kamienica Roeslera i Hurtiga
st Krakowskie Przedmieście 79
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Phone: +48 /22/ 122 83 83
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Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 17:30