



Artur Cichocki

Lawyer, member of the Bar Association in Warsaw, graduated from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn with a degree in law (full-time studies), took a year of study under the Erasmus Program at a Spanish university, later perfected his knowledge of Spanish legal language at a Spanish law firm in Burgos. He graduated from the School of Spanish Law. He works in Polish, English and Spanish. In his free time, he enjoys reading books on the history of Poland in the interwar period of the 20th century.

Piotr Pieńkowski

Lawyer, member of the Warsaw Bar Association, graduated with a law degree (full-time studies) from the University of Warsaw and a master’s degree (full-time studies) in international economic relations from the Warsaw School of Economics. He graduated from the British Law School. He works in Polish, English (CEA, C1 exam) and Spanish (DELE). In his free time, he enjoys traveling and has hitchhiked across Latin America, visited Georgia and Morocco.

Experts cooperating with us​

Daria Popłonyk

Barrister, Warsaw Bar Association, former judge, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration (full-time studies) at the University of Wrocław, followed by her judicial training. She completed postgraduate studies in Economics for lawyers at the Warsaw School of Economics. She specialises in bankruptcy, restructuring and commercial law. From 2003 to 2019, she adjudicated in the Commercial Insolvency and Restructuring Division of the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, she also held the position of Deputy Chairperson and then Chairperson of this largest insolvency division in Poland. As of 2019, she has been adjudicating in the District Court in Warsaw, inter alia in so-called franking credits cases. In her work, she has also dealt with consumer protection law. She is the author of glosses to Supreme Court decisions and academic articles. She has lectured at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution, as well as at Lazarski University and Poznań University in postgraduate studies for candidates for restructuring advisors. In her legal career, she was also a member of the team at the Minister of Justice to develop questions for the professional exam for candidates for restructuring advisors, and she participated in the work on the National Debtors Register. She was one of the first judges in Poland to conduct international secondary insolvency proceedings and bankruptcy proceedings of a developer under separate legislation. She was also a permanent arbitrator of the consumer arbitration court operating at the Trade Inspection in Wrocław. She has over 22 years of experience as a lawyer.

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