Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values. According to the paremia dura lex, sed lex, the law should be absolutely respected, regardless of the consequences of the application of legal norms. Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values. According to the paremia dura lex, sed lex, the law should be absolutely respected, regardless of the consequences of the application of legal norms. Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values. According to the paremia dura lex, sed lex, the law should be absolutely respected, regardless of the consequences of the application of legal norms. Its authorship is attributed to Ulpian Domitius, one of the great Roman legal authorities. Originating in antiquity, the maxim seems to be still relevant. According to it, applicable legal norms take precedence over any other non-legal rules and values. According to the paremia dura lex, sed lex, the law should be absolutely respected, regardless of the consequences of the application of legal norms.